Past Outreach
Midwestern Pavement Preservation Partnership Annual Meeting
11/06/2018 - 11/08/2018
This week, the RMRC Technical Director, Angela Pakes Ahlman, will be speaking at the Midwestern Pavement Preservation Partnership Annual Meeting. The MPPP is a regional forum of pavement professionals working together to promote the benefits of Pavement Preservation through information sharing, education, and application. The MPPP Annual Meeting will be held at the Madison Concourse Hotel in Madison, Wisconsin from November 6-8th 2018. For more information, please click below.
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2017 Mid-Continent Transportation Research Symposium
08/16/2017 - 08/17/2017
The annual Mid-Continent Transportation Research Symposium will be held in Ames, Iowa on the campus of Iowa State University and provides an opportunity for transportation professionals from the Midwest and beyond to network with their peers, learn about advancements and applications in their fields, and anticipate future directions for research.
As suggested by the theme—New Ideas, Better Lives—a major focus of this year's event is on research implementation and practice-ready results.
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AASHTO 2017 Subcommittee on Materials Annual Meeting
08/06/2017 - 08/10/2017
AASHTO's Subcommittee on Materials (SOM) 2017 Annual Meeting will be held in Phoenix, Arizona from August 6-10, 2017 at the Sheraton Grand Phoenix. Please see the conference website for more information and registration.
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2017 AASHTO Sweet Sixteen Selection
07/24/2017 - 07/27/2017
Two RMRC research studies were recently published by the AASHTO Research Advisory Committee as one of the featured "Sweet Sixteen" projects. These projects comprise four high-value research projects from each of the four AASHTO regions, funded primarily through the State Planning and Research (SPR) Program. Our projects "Recycled Materials Network, Connecting Consumers with Producers" and "Statewide Materials Use Study" were collectively selected for a spot in under Greener Transportation Systems. Full reports for both projects may be found in the completed research section of the RMRC website.
Our award winning innovations can be found on page two in the following link: AASHTO Sweet Sixteen
2017 TRB Summer Workshop
07/18/2017 - 07/21/2017
The TRB Summer Workshop this summer will be held in Duluth, MN. This annual event brings together public, private, and academic professionals to share information about the workshop theme, which this year is: Natural Resources, Sustainability, and their Intermodal Connections
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National Road Research Alliance Pavement Conference 2017
05/24/2017 - 05/24/2017
Formerly known as the TERRA Pavement Conference, this conference presents national and local trends and innovations in pavement design, construction, rehabilitation, and maintenance.
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FHWA’s Sustainable Pavements Technical Working Group
08/17/2016 08:00 AM - 08/18/2016 12:00 PM
The SPTWG will hold its next meeting on August 17-18th, 2016. The meeting is planned to start at 8 am on Wednesday, August 17 and conclude by 12 noon on Thursday, August 18. The meeting will be held in Lexington, Kentucky. Hotel and meeting locations are in the process of being finalized.
For more information, please contact Kurt D. Smith ( or Gina Ahlstrom (
Geo-Chicago 2016: Sustainability, Energy, and the Geoenvironment
08/14/2016 - 08/18/2016
GEO-CHICAGO 2016 builds on the success of GeoCongress 2008: Sustainability in the Geoenvironment that was held in New Orleans, USA in 2008. The theme of GEO-CHICAGO 2016 is Sustainability, Energy, and the Geoenvironment and it will feature the latest research advances and engineering‐practice innovations with a focus on characterization, modeling, design, construction, and field performance. The conference will include a wide range of knowledge-enhancing technical sessions, short courses, workshops, and technical tours. Conference technical topics include:
- Sustainability
- Energy
- Geoenvironmental Systems
- Materials and Resource Conservation
- Waste Management and Remediation
- Policy and Regulation
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Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies (SCMT4) 2016 Conference
08/07/2016 - 08/11/2016
The SCMT4 conference scientific program will feature topics of the latest research and development in all different materials. Papers are invited on materials that are used in construction including aggregates, bitumen, cementitious materials (fly ash, wood ash, slag, silica fume, natural pozzolans, and other similar materials), concrete, glass, gypsum, lime, masonry, metals, plastics, rock, timber and other materials of constructions. Papers on paints, adhesives, preservatives and preservation processes are also welcome. Abstract submissions are due July 15, 2015. The conference themes include:
- Carbon Credits
- Carbon Dioxide Sequestration
- Designing structures with sustainable materials
- Embodied energy from production
- End of life-materials that can be demounted/deconstructed and reused or recycled
- Energy requirements for transport and use. Energy management during construction
- Energy management during use of the buildings and infrastructures
- Greenhouse gas reduction
- Life cycle analysis
- Making construction materials durable
- Maintaining quality and durability while achieving sustainability
- Maintenance and repair technologies for sustainability of buildings and infrastructure
- Mass balance - sources and final destinations of materials
- New materials production and construction technologies using innovative materials
- Recycling of municipal solid waste. Combustion ashes
- Sustainability, quality, and public perception
- Use of recyclable by-products in construction materials
- Innovative and non-traditional materials
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AASHTO 2016 Subcommittee on Materials Annual Meeting
07/31/2016 - 08/05/2016
AASHTO's Subcommittee on Materials (SOM) 2016 Annual Meeting will be held in Greenville, South Carolina from July 31 - August 5 at teh Hyatt Regency. More information and registration will be available at a later date. Please see the conference website for updates.
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Summer Workshop: TRB ADC60 Committee on Resource Conservation and Recovery
07/26/2016 - 07/29/2016
The North Carolina DOT will host the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Committee on Resource Conservation and Recovery's ADC60 Summer Workshop in Ashville, NC, on July 26-29, 2016. Topics include:
- Climate adaptation
- Environmental liability management
- Environmental management systems
- Environmental training
- Green infrastructure
- Recovery and resilience
- Renewable energy, resource efficiency
- Stormwater management
- Sustainability
- Sustainable accounting standards
- Transportation infrastructure
- Waste management and more!
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2016 TRB Annual Meeting - RMRC Executive Committee Update
01/10/2016 - 01/14/2016
The Transportation Research Board (TRB) 95th Annual Meeting will be held January 10-14, 2016, at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C. The meeting program will cover all transportation modes, with more than 5,000 presentations in nearly 800 sessions and workshops. The RMRC will be hosting their annual Executive Committee update at the 2016 TRB Annual Meeting in Washington D.C. on Monday, January 11, 8-10 am EST in Convention Center Room 159A. Items on the agenda for the meeting include:
- Announcements of upcoming events
- Research projects recap
- RMRC technology transfer activities
- RMRC future research ideas
- Session 319 - Geomaterials in Transportation Infrastructure: Deformation, Leaching, and Erosion - Drs. Tuncer Edil and Bill Likos, Monday 10:45 am - 12:30 pm, Convention Center, Hall E
- Event 548 - Decarbonizing Transportation Construction Materials: Opportunities and Barriers to Increased Use of Recycled Content - Speakers include Angela Pakes Ahlman (RMRC) and Steve Krebs (WisDOT), Tuesday 10:45 am - 12:00 pm
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Fundamentals of Pavement Design Course
09/14/2015 - 09/15/2015
University of Wisconsin-Madison's Department of Engineering Professional Development will be offering a for-credit course entitled Fundamental of Pavement Design. This comprehensive, practical course covers all aspects of pavement system design including testing of soil/base substructure, pavement material mix design, and pavement thickness design. Learn about:
- Subgrade, subbase, and base design
- Beneficial reuse and properties of recycled aggregates
- Asphalt cement, liquid asphalt, aggregates, and hot mix asphalt design
- Portland cement concrete design and construction
- Pavement thickness design with common methods
- How to predict pavement performance
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AASHTO Subcommittee on Materials 2015 Summer Conference
08/02/2015 - 08/07/2015
The 101st AASHTO Subcommittee on Materials meeting will be held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. This Subcommittee is responsible for the development of materials and test standards utilized by all of the AASHTO member departments. Materials engineers and technical experts from member departments work for consensus on these important documents. Industry participation is also encouraged so that technical issues are resolved quickly and appropriately, as well as introduce innovative ideas for the transportation industry.
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2015 ADC60 TRB Summer Conference
06/07/2015 - 06/10/2015
The 2015 ADC60 Transportation Research Board (TRB) - Committee for Waste Management and Resource Efficiency in Transportation – Summer Workshop is now open for registration! The Conference will be held in Los Angeles on June 7-10, 2015. Submit abstracts to no later then March 30th, 2015. Topics include but not limited to:
- Water Resource Management
- Stormwater Management
- Risk and Resiliency
- Climate Change
- Hazardous Materials and Management
- Energy Management
- Environmental Management System
- Pollution Prevention
2015 World of Coal Ash Conference
05/04/2015 - 05/07/2015
The 2015 World of Coal Ash (WOCA) Conference will mark the 6th joint meeting between the American Coal Ash Association (ACAA) and the University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research (CAER). The conference will focus on the science, applications and sustainability of coal ash worldwide. As such, it will encompass all aspects of coal combustion products (CCP's) as well as gasification products. The conference will be held May 4-7, 2015 in Nashville, Tennessee.
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2014 Mid-Continent Transportation Research Symposium
08/21/2014 - 08/22/2014
The Wisconsin Transportation Center and the Wisconsin Department of Transportation are hosting the 2014 Mid-Continent Transportation Research Symposium, to be held August 21-22, 2014 in Madison, Wisconsin. Register online for the Research Symposium.
Call for Abstracts:
WTC and WisDOT are seeking presentation abstracts for the Research Symposium. Presentations may focus on completed research projects or highlight implementation activities that resulted from research. Effective projects are those that provide a high public return on investment and demonstrate measurable improvements to the transportation system or the state of practice. Submitters are encouraged to submit joint presentations between researchers and practitioners.
Abstract submissions are due February 28, 2014. Submitters will be notified of the status of their presentation in early May. To submit an abstract, download, complete, and submit the abstract submission form.
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Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting
01/12/2014 - 01/16/2014
The Transportation Research Board (TRB) 93rd Annual Meeting program covered all transportation modes, with presentations, sessions and workshops addressing topics of interest to all attendees—policy makers, administrators, practitioners, researchers, and representatives of government, industry, and academic institutions. The spotlight theme for the 2014 TRB Annual Meeting was Celebrating Our Legacy, Anticipating Our Future. These spotlight theme sessions will be supplemented by workshops on each of the following critical transportation issues: performance measurement, automated driving and connected vehicles, extreme weather events, and big data.
SPTWG Meeting
11/13/2013 - 11/14/2013
Federal Highway Administration's Sustainable Pavements Technical Working Group
2nd T&DA Green Street, Highways and Development Conference
11/03/2013 - 11/06/2013
The Transportation and Development Institute (T&DI) of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) hosted the 2nd T&DI Green Streets, Highways and Development Conference with the theme “Advancing the Practice.” Building on the successes of 2010 T&DI Green Streets & Highways Conference, the 2013 GSHD Conference offered cutting-edge applications of green, sustainability and livability concepts relevant to transportation and development infrastructure, services and education.
2013 ACAA Fall Meeting
09/30/2013 - 10/02/2013
The American Coal Ash Association (ACAA), established in 1968, is a nonprofit trade association devoted to recycling the materials created when they burn coal to generate electricity. Their members comprise the world's foremost experts on coal ash (fly ash and bottom ash), and boiler slag, flue gas desulfurization gypsum (FGD or "synthetic" gypsum), and other flue gas materials captured by emissions controls. Events at the fall meeting included the ACAA committee meeting, presentations by industry, government and academic speakers, and the Women's Leadership Forum.
Wastes 2013
09/11/2013 - 09/13/2013
Waste 2013 - 2nd International Conference
Professor Tuncer Edil was the featured keynote speaker in this International Conference. His lecture was entitled "Rating of Sustainable Highway Construction Using Recycled Materials (BE2ST-In-Highways)".
The 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
09/02/2013 - 09/06/2013
The French Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (CFMS) hosted the 18thInternational Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (18th ICSMGE) in Paris, France, in September 2013. The main theme of the Conference was “Challenges and Innovations in Geotechnics”. Professor Tuncer Edil gave the first presentation in the first discussion session of the newly established sustainability in Geotechnical Engineering. The topic of his presentation was "Characterization of Recycled Materials for Sustainable Construction."
AASTHO Subcommittee on Materials Meeting
08/04/2013 - 08/08/2013
The 99th AASHTO Subcommittee on Materials meeting was held in Stateline, Nevada. This Subcommittee is responsible for the development of materials and test standards utilized by all of the AASHTO member departments. Materials engineers and technical experts from member departments worked for consensus on these important documents.
SPTWG Meeting
06/18/2013 - 06/19/2013
Federal Highway Administration's Sustainable Pavements Technical Working Group
ACEC Wisconsin Transportation Improvement Conference
03/05/2013 - 03/06/2013
The American Council of Engineering Companies of Wisconsin and the Wisconsin Department of Transportation partnered for the sixth consecutive year to present the 2013 Transportation Improvement Conference. The 2013 conference's theme was “Moving Ahead.” The conference brought together the department and consulting engineering community for two days of transportation education and networking opportunities.
RMRC Technical Director, Angela Pakes Ahlman, presented on "Materials Re-use on Transportation Improvement Projects."
Transportation Research Board 92nd Annual Meeting
01/13/2013 - 01/17/2013
The Transportation Research Board (TRB) 92nd Annual Meeting was held in Washington, D.C., January 13-17, 2013. The TRB Annual Meeting program covered all transportation modes, with presentations, sessions and workshops addressing topics of interest to all attendees—policy makers, administrators, practitioners, researchers, and representatives of government, industry, and academic institutions. The spotlight theme for 2013: Deploying Transportation Research - Doing Things Smarter, Better, Faster.
2012 Industrial Materials Conference - Industrial Materials Use in Sustainable Pavement Systems: State of the Practice
11/27/2012 - 11/29/2012
FHWA's Recycling Policy states that "Recycled Materials should get first consideration in overall materials selection." Environmental stewardship is also one of FHWA's fundamental principles in designing, building and maintaining Sustainable Pavement Systems. At this co-hosted national conference, transportation engineers, highway designers, and material suppliers shared best practices in how the reuse of industrial materials enhances sustainable pavement performance. Attendees also learned what types of web-based tools and resources are available to guide decisions on sustainable material choices.